Do you know where your resolution is?
We are seven days into the first week of January and statistics show that 25 percent of people that make resolutions have already abandoned them. The numbers only go up from there but there is hope. Here are six steps that will revive your resolution and make achieving the goal a given.
Don’t give up. Resurrect your goal and this time, put you in the picture. Try to do this at a time where you will not be disturbed.
Close your eyes and imagine that you are hovering above, observing yourself. You have finally reached your goal. Now take mental notes:
• What does success look like?
• What is your facial expression?
• What are you wearing?
• Where are you?
• How do you feel?
• What do you smell--flowers, perfume, a spring day?
• What are you thinking?
Gather as much detail as you can. Enjoy this moment with every fiber of your being. Replay this scene twice daily, preferably upon awakening and before going to bed.
When your current actions are not working for you, revise them. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks, you might need to choose a weight-loss plan instead of doing it on your own, empty your home of everything that might derail your plan, and decide what workouts you will use.
If your goal is to stop smoking, you may want to decide upon your method whether cold turkey, a patch, hypnosis or some other method. You will also want to decide how you will deal with triggers and what action will replace the lighting of a cigarette or eating at a party.
Reschedule your actions to times that work for you. Maybe trying to make an exercise class at 6 pm just isn’t working for you. Try an early morning workout or a lunchtime walk. Try working out at home. Schedule them and reschedule them until they work. Make it a priority.
Reinforce with Reminders
Write yourself a note on a post-it or index card to remind you first thing in the morning about why you are doing this and the steps you need to take today. Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar says, "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." Put it on the bathroom mirror or some spot you will see immediately upon waking.
Plan a real reward for yourself. Make it something you will truly enjoy. Write down all the details needed to make it happen and once again, schedule it.
Lather, rinse, repeat. Repeat the 6 R’s daily--Resurrect, Revise, Reschedule, Reinforce, Reward, Repeat-- and your vision will soon be your reality.
Okay, I’m done with the R’s. You can Relax now.
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